Best Drain Solutions on a Flat Roof

As a roofing company, we understand the importance of proper drainage on flat roofs. A well-designed drainage system not only protects the integrity of the roof but also ensures the longevity of the entire structure underneath. Here are various techniques and methods to drain flat roofs effectively, ensuring optimal performance and durability.

Internal Drains

Internal drains are commonly used on flat roofs to collect and divert water towards the drainage system. These drains are installed at low points on the roof, allowing water to flow freely towards them. Proper maintenance is crucial to prevent clogs and ensure efficient water removal.


Scuppers are openings or outlets installed along the edges of the roof to allow water to drain off. They are particularly useful in areas with heavy rainfall or where internal drains may not be feasible. Regular inspection and cleaning of scuppers are essential to prevent blockages caused by debris buildup.

Gutters and Downspouts

Gutters and downspouts play a crucial role in directing water away from the roof and foundation of the building. Properly sized gutters should be installed along the perimeter of the roof to capture rainwater and channel it towards downspouts. Regular cleaning and maintenance of gutters and downspouts are necessary to prevent clogs and ensure proper drainage.

Tapered Insulation Systems

Tapered insulation systems are designed to create slope on flat roofs, allowing water to drain towards designated areas such as internal drains or scuppers. These systems are installed underneath the roofing membrane and provide a cost-effective solution for achieving proper drainage on flat roofs.

Cricket Installation

Crickets, also known as saddle or diverter, are elevated structures installed on the roof surface to divert water away from critical areas such as vents, skylights, or chimneys. Properly installed crickets help prevent ponding and ensure efficient water drainage.

Proper Maintenance

Regardless of the drainage system in place, regular maintenance is key to ensuring its effectiveness. Inspecting the roof for signs of ponding, debris buildup, or damage is essential to identify and address issues promptly. Additionally, clearing debris from drains, scuppers, gutters, and downspouts helps prevent blockages and ensures uninterrupted water flow.

Proper drainage is essential for maintaining the integrity and performance of flat roofs. By implementing drainage techniques such as internal drains, scuppers, gutters, tapered insulation systems, crickets, and regular maintenance.

Shepherd Roofing and Renovations can ensure long-lasting protection for their clients’ properties. Investing in quality drainage solutions not only enhances the lifespan of the roof but also minimizes the risk of water damage and costly repairs in the future.

If you need to check your roof is properly draining, reach out to Shepherd Roofing and Renovations for a free drone inspection!