5 ways to prevent Squirrel Damage on your roof and siding

Are you noticing strange noises coming from your attic? Maybe you’ve spotted shingles scattered across your lawn or gnaw marks on your roof’s structure. If so, you could deal with squirrel damage, seeking refuge in your home’s confines.

These creatures can damage your roof if left unchecked, leading to costly repairs and potential safety hazards. Fortunately, you can take steps to prevent squirrel and critter damage and keep your roof in top condition.

Managing Tree Branches

One of the primary entry points for squirrels and critters onto your roof is through overhanging tree branches. Trim back any branches that provide easy access to your home, keeping them at least 6-8 feet away from the roof. This deters squirrels from leaping onto your roof and reduces the risk of fallen branches causing damage during storms.

Covering Electrical Wiring

Squirrels are notorious chewers, and electrical wiring is one of their favorite targets. To prevent them from causing potentially dangerous electrical issues, cover exposed wiring with protective conduit or PVC piping. This simple measure can safeguard your home and deter critters from gnawing on essential infrastructure.

Using Squirrel Guards

Squirrel guards, often made of metal mesh or wire, can be installed around vulnerable areas such as roof vents, chimneys, and gutters. These guards create a barrier preventing critters from gaining access to your roof and attic while allowing proper ventilation and drainage.

Regular Roof Inspections

Routine roof inspections are crucial for identifying and addressing potential entry points for squirrels and critters. Schedule inspections at least once a year, preferably before the winter months when these pests seek shelter from the cold.

A professional roofing contractor can assess your roof’s condition, seal any openings, and recommend additional preventive measures to keep critters at bay.

Remove Food Sources

Critters are attracted to food sources near your home, so take steps to eliminate temptations. Keep garbage cans securely closed, clean up fallen fruits and nuts from your yard, and avoid leaving pet food outside for extended periods. Removing these food sources makes your property less appealing to squirrels and other pests.

Signs You Might Have Critter Infestation

Knowing the signs of critter infestation can help you address the problem before it escalates. Watch out for:

  • Scratching or scurrying noises coming from the attic or walls.
  • Chew marks on wood, wiring, or insulation.
  • Droppings or urine stains in the attic or on the roof.
  • Shingle damage or missing pieces, particularly near roof edges or vents.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s essential to take prompt action to prevent further damage to your roof and property.

Protecting your roof from squirrel damage requires diligence and proactive measures. We understand the importance of maintaining a secure and resilient roof. Whether you need a thorough inspection, repairs, or preventive measures installed, our team is here to help. Don’t wait until it’s too late—schedule a roof inspection today and keep your home safe from unwanted intruders.